How to Add Parametric Fields to Reports and the Global Tag List
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Adding Parametric Fields to Reports in the Emergencies Module and General Tag List User Help Document
1. Adding Parametric Fields to Reports in the Emergencies Module and Tags Used in Reports
In the Emergency Situations Module, parametric fields are added to the reports. The steps for adding a parametric field to the Emergency Drills report and a list of commonly used tags (shortcodes) related to this module are included in this help document.
1.1. Display of Parametric Area Types in Emergency Situations Module in Emergency Drills Report
In order to show the parametric fields added to the Emergency Drills report from the Emergency Situations Module reports in the report, it is necessary to first make the infrastructure setup in the System Infrastructure Definitions section. In the process of editing the infrastructure, Field Definition, Function Layout, Report Formats Editing and Parameters menus are used. In field definition, the process of defining the fields to be added to the tags in the Report format template is done. These fields, defined in the Function Layout, are correlated so that the functions are displayed on the pages. By selecting Workplace in the Workplace List on the Select Workplace screen in the Integrated Management System ```> Emergency Situations \
>```Emergency Plans menu of the fields associated with the function page in the Function Dizanyer! The (next) button is clicked. On the Emergency Teams screen that opens, click the Drills tab. On the Emergency Drills screen that opens(Add) button to define a new Drill. On the Emergency Drills screen
(Add) button to enter the field values of the parametric field types displayed when defining the Drill. After the information entries of the parametric field types are made, you go to the Report Formats Editing menu. In the Edit menu of the Report Formats, the Emergency Drills report format "EmergencyDrills.xls" is downloaded. The tags of the parametric fields defined in the Field Definition menu are written to the downloaded "EmergencyDrills.xls" report format by looking at the field codes defined in the Function Dizer menu. The spelling of the field codes according to which parametric field type for the "Emergency Drill Identification" function is given in the table below.
Function No | Function | Field Type | Area Code | Tag |
1 | Defining an Emergency Team | Text, Like Text Multiline | AREA3 | < FIELD3```>``` |
1 | Defining an Emergency Team | List, List type like Staff | AREA4 | < ALAN4_ACK ```>``` |
3rd | Defining an Emergency Drill | Text, Like Text Multiline | AREA3 | < FIELD3```>``` |
3rd | Defining an Emergency Drill | List, List type like Staff | AREA4 | < ALAN4_ACK ```>``` |
For the "Emergency Drill Identification" function number 3; For example, if the field code of the Parametric field with text type Function Placement is FIELD3, the tag shape to be added to the report format should be <
> should be written in the report format template as Field codes \
>in the Function Grid menu to be written between the signs greater than \\ and less than. In list-type parametric field types such as List, Personnel, Department, the suffix "ACK" is added to the tags. For example, if the field code in the Function Sequencer menu of a list-type field is FIELD4, the report format template of the Field tag
>must be added.
<Field codes in the form of FIELD KODU_ACK\
> in the Function Grid menu should be written in the report format template with the suffix "ACK" added between the signs \
>``` is greater than and less than \. After writing the parametric fields in the form of tags in the template to the report format template, the report format "EmergencyDrills.xls" is saved to the computer with the same name. The format of the Emergency Drills report with the same name recorded is uploaded back to the system in the Report Formats Editing menu. Report Formats The uploaded report format in the Edit menu is copied with the name and extension of the template and defined by right-clicking/pasting the "Emergency Drill Report template file" parameter number 19 in the Emergencies parameters in the parameters menu.
After defining the report format of the Emergency Drills report into the parameter of the template, go to the Integrated Management System```> Emergencies \
>``` Emergency Drills Report menu. On the Emergency Drills Report screen that opens, by selecting the workplace where the exercise is performed in the Workplace list from the search criteria in the Workplace field on the filter tab(Search) button is clicked. By selecting the defined Drill from the list
(Export to Excel) button is clicked. In the report received in Excel format, it is seen that the field information comes from the Emergency Drills definition screen entered in the section where the tags of the parametric fields are located and the tags work.
Reports in parameters in the Emergencies Module:
Emergencies The information about which function of the module to define which report format template and which parameter is available in the table below.
Function No | Function | Report Format Template Name | Related Parameter No | Related Parameter Definition |
1 | Defining an Emergency Team | EmergencyTeams.xls | 18th | Emergency Teams Report template file |
3rd | Defining an Emergency Drill | EmergencyDrills.xls | 19th | Emergency Drill Report template file |
3rd | Defining an Emergency Drill | EmergencyDrills.xls | 29th | Emergency Drill pdf template |
After associating the fields defined in the field definition in the Emergency Management Module with the pages of the function in the Function Layout, the process of adding the tags to the Report Formats templates whose field codes are specified in the table is done. After adding the tag, the report formats are uploaded to the system in the edit menu. After uploading to the system, the report formats are copied by copying the name and extension in the editing menu and defining the relevant parameter specified in the table.
While the "Emergency Drills report" parametric fields are selected in the "Emergency Drill Identification" function number 3 from the Function Designer menu(Fields ) is determined according to the field codes that come up when the button is pressed.
1.1.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/ Emergencies
It is the part of the Emergency Drills report where the infrastructure structure of the parametric area addition process is designed. Field Definition and Function Dizanyer menus are used for infrastructure construction. In addition, the Report Formats Editing menu is also used in the System Infrastructure Definitions Module to download the Report format template and to upload the template to the system with the same name of the report format with the tag added to the downloaded report format. The process of defining the Emergency Drills report uploaded to the system in the System Infrastructure Definition>
s\BSAT```>Configuration Settings\
>Parameters menu to the relevant parameter is made in the relevant parameter of the same module. In the Emergencies parameters, the "Emergency Drill Report template file" parameter number 19 is defined. In order to enter the defined field values, Emergency Types and Emergency Team Type menus are used in the System Infrastructure Definitions section of the module. The menus in the infrastructure used to enter the defined field values are on the Emergency Drills screen opened by clicking the Drills tab in the Integrated Management System\
> Emergency Situations\
>```Emergency Plans menu(Add) button is used to define a new Drill. On the Emergency Drills screen opened by clicking the Drills tab in the Emergency Plans menu for the Emergency Drills Report
(Add) button will allow you to enter the values of the fields displayed in a new Drill definition and press the report. Field Definition
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Emergencies/Area Identification
Function It is the menu where the fields to be shown on the pages of the menus in the Dizanyer menu are defined. For the Emergency Drills Report, fields are defined for the "Emergency Drill Identification" functions number 3. These parametric field definitions are parametric field types such as text, numeric, list, personnel.
"Defining an Emergency Exercise" Defining an Area for the Function:
For the field definition process for the function, the System Infrastructure Definitions / Emergencies / Area Definition menu is clicked.
Performing the "Drill Type" list-type area identification process;
To add a "Drill Type list-type field" to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Field\New Record screen.
On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting the list type in the Field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the registration process of defining a list-type field is performed.
With the "Drill Type" field selected to add values to the "Drill Type" list type field! Clicking the (Values) button brings up the screen where the values of the field will be introduced.
: Clicking the New button starts the process of defining a new value. If desired
(Download Template) and
(Upload Template) buttons can be transferred to the system in bulk.
(Download template) button downloads the system template to the computer. The relevant template is filled in by the users ! When uploaded to the system with the (upload template) button, all field values in the template will be transferred to the system.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the value identification process is performed. The list elements (values) of the "Drill Type" list type field are all defined in the same way.
(Back) button is clicked.
Performing the process of defining the field with the "Type of alarm (if given)" list;
To add a "Type of Alarm (if given)" list-type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Field\New Record screen.
On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting the list type in the Field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the registration process of defining a list-type field is performed.
With the "Type of alarm (if given)" field selected to add a value to the list type field "Type of alarm (if given)"! Clicking the (Values) button brings up the screen where the values of the field will be introduced.
: Clicking the New button starts the process of defining a new value.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the value identification process is performed. The list elements (values) of the field with the "Type of alarm (if given)" list type are all defined in the same way.
(Back) button is clicked.
"Exercise Leader" Performing the personnel type area identification process;
To add the "Drill Leader" Personnel type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Field\New Record screen.
On the field definition screen, after selecting Personnel in the field type field and filling in the required fields, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the Personnel type field identification registration process is performed.
"Departments Where the Exercise is Conducted" department-type area identification process;
To add the "Drill Departments" department-type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Field\New Record screen.
On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting the "Department" type in the Field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the "Department" type field definition registration process is performed.
Performing the process of defining a multi-line type field in the text "scenario";
Click on the "Scenario" text in the top right corner of the screen to add a multi-line type field to the list! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Field\New Record screen.
On the field definition screen, in the field type field, the text is selected as multi-line and after the required fields are filled, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the text multi-line type field identification registration process is performed.
"Overall Result of the Exercise" text-type field identification process;
To add a field with the text type "Overall Result of the Exercise" to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Field\New Record screen.
On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting text in the field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the text-type field identification registration process is performed. Designer
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/ Emergencies/ Function Designer
In the Field Definition menu, after defining the fields to be added to the report format template, click on the System Infrastructure Definitions/Emergencies/Function Sequencer menu. On the opened Function Dizanyer screen, there are 3 functions to be added to the fields to be defined. Of these functions, the function to be used for the Emergency Drills Report is the "Emergency Drill Identification" function number 3. The association of the defined fields with the sheet of this function in the Function Dizer menu is done in this menu. The fields defined for the Emergency Drills Report are associated with the page of the function. After associating the defined fields with the function page number 3, on the Emergency Drills screen, which is opened by clicking on the Drills tab in the Emergency Plans menu(Add) button allows it to be displayed on the screens in the Drill Description process phase.
Associating the fields defined for the function "Defining an Emergency Drill" number 3 with the page of the respective function;
: Clicking the Fields button opens the screen where the fields will be associated with the relevant function.
Fields to be used in the respective function (New) is determined by clicking the button.
On the screen that opens, the field information is selected from the list, and a mandatory field defines the message that the user will encounter when he does not fill in this field. The Active status, Visible status and mandatory status statuses are determined where the defined area will be seen. After all the required fields are filled, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the association with the function pages for the respective field is performed.
The fields to be used in the respective function are all the same (New) is determined by clicking the button.
Function In the "Defining an Emergency Drill" function in the Function Sequencer, the list is used for list-type fields such as personnel and department, for example, for list-type fields such as "Drill Type"
The tag in the form of <
ALAN1_ACK```> is added to the report format of the Emergency Drills report. The text is added to the report format of the Emergency Drills report as \
>``` for text multiline fields, such as "Senorio" for text multiline fields.
1.1.2. Entering the values of the fields to be tagged in the Emergency Drills Report format
A new Emergency Plan is defined in the Emergency Plans menu to enter the values of the fields to be tagged in the Emergency Drills Report format. On the Select a workplace screen in the Emergency Plans menu, the workplace location to be implemented in the Emergency Plan is selected. After the Workplace selection process (Next) button is clicked. On the Emergency Teams screen that opens, the Drills tab is clicked. On the Emergency Drills screen that opens
(Add) button to define a new Drill. Since the fields defined in the Field Definition menu are associated with the page of this function in the Function Sequencer menu, in the Drills tab for performing Emergency Plans
(Add) button to define the Drill and display the field values on the Drill definition screens. The information for these displayed field values is entered. In order to carry out a new exercise definition process, it is necessary to make an infrastructure setup in the System Infrastructure Definitions. For the infrastructure structure of a new exercise definition process, it is necessary to perform Emergency Types and Emergency Team Type operations in the System Infrastructure Definitions section. After the infrastructure setup is defined, the workplace is selected in the Workplace list in the Emergency Plans menu in the Integrated Management System. Drills tab on the Emergency Teams screen
(add) button to define the drill is also performed. Management System/ Contingency Plans
In the System Infrastructure Definitions / Emergencies section, the infrastructure structure is defined in the Emergency Plans menu of the module, the Drills tab is the part where the Drill definition operations are performed. Emergency Situations On the Teams screen, in the Drills tab (Add) button is clicked to define the Drill and enter the field values on this identification screen. Plans
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Emergencies/ Contingency Plans
It is the menu where emergency teams are formed on a workplace basis and drills are planned. On the screen that opens, workplaces are listed as tree breaking.
By selecting the workplace to be processed(Next) button is clicked. There are three different tabs on this screen. Teams are the Sketches and Drills tab. Click the Teams tab.
To add a new team, click ! Clicking the (Add) button displays the Emergency Team Identification/New Registration screen.
On the screen that opens, the team type of the emergency team is selected from the Emergency Team Type list defined in the system. The status information of the emergency team, revision no, revision date is given by the system. This field is selected from the list of personnel defined in the system. After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the process of identifying emergency teams is performed.
(Add Team Member) button adds a team member to the emergencies team.
To add a new team member, click ! Clicking the (Add) button displays the Emergency Team Identification/New Registration screen.
On the screen that opens, the personnel are selected from the list of personnel defined in the system. The selected personnel are selected from the tasks that have the job description defined. For example, president, deputy, team member. The job description information of the assigned personnel is entered. After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the emergency team identification process is performed.
! By clicking the (Add) button, all team members are identified in the same way.
All team types to be used in the company are recorded in this way. After the teams are created (Send for Approval) button for approval.
My pending work falls as "Creation of Emergency Teams Awaiting Approval"**.
The emergency team is approved or rejected by clicking on the relevant code of the emergency team to the Emergency Team Confirmation screen.
The Confirm button is clicked.
The approved emergency team list is sent to the person by e-mail and is assigned as "Emergency Teams I Am Assigned to" in the "My Pending Jobs**" menu.
After the team identification process, the Drills tabs are clicked on the Emergency Teams screen.
To add a new drill, click (Add) button is clicked to display the Drill tab/New Registration screen.
The parametric field types defined in the Field Definition menu and associated with the Emergency Drill Definition page are displayed in the Function Sequencer menu. Information entries are made for these parametric field types displayed. The tags of these parametric field types will then be added to the report format and printed on the report. After all the required fields are filled in the Emergency Drill Definition screen, click ! By clicking the (Send for Approval) button, the Drill identification registration process is performed.
The drill leading up to approval is assigned to my Pending Work as "Drills to Complete".
By clicking on the relevant drill code, the exercise is approved or rejected.
(Confirm) button to display the Emergency Drill Completion screen.
(Confirm) button to complete the emergency drill.
1.2.3. Adding tags of parametric fields defined to the report format of the Emergency Drills Report
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/ Configuration Settings/Edit Report Formats
To add the tags of the parametric fields defined in the Emergency Drills Report, go to System Infrastructure Definitions```>BSAT\
> Configuration Settings\
>```Report Formats Editing menu. Qdms is the menu from which all reports are loaded.
! By clicking the (View) button, the report format template of the Emergency Drills Report (EmergencyDrills.xls) is downloaded to the computer.
After the fields defined in the Field Definition are associated with the corresponding pages in the Function Dizanyer menu, the Function Dizer is also selected in the function(Fields) The field codes that pop up when the button is clicked are added by typing them in the field values section in the report format.
Tags to be added to the Emergency Drills Report Format for the "Emergency Drill Identification" Function No. 3;
Field codes in the Function Sequencer to Report Format are written between the Greater Than ```<\
>and Less Than signs. The tag spelling is
>for text-type fields and
>for list-type fields. For example, the parametric field with the text type "Scenario" encoded FIELD5 is written as
>in the field value part of the report format template. In list-type fields such as List, Personnel, it is necessary to write the tag with the suffix "ACK". For example, in the parametric field with the "Drill Type" list type coded FIELD1, it is necessary to write the tag in the form of
>``` to the report format template.
For the "Emergency Drill Identification" function, the tag form of the codes of the fields defined in the Field identification in the Function Dizanyer menu is given in the table below.
Domain Name | Field Type | Area Code | Tag |
Drill Type | List | FIELD1 | < ALAN1_ACK```>``` |
Type of Alarm (if given) | List | FIELD2 | < ALAN2_ACK```>``` |
Exercise Leader | Staff | AREA3 | < ALAN3_ACK```>``` |
Exercise Departments | Department | AREA4 | < ALAN4_ACK```>``` |
Scenario | Text Multiline | AREA5 | < FIELD5```>``` |
Overall Result of the Exercise | Text | AREA6 | < FIELD6```>``` |
Function: The information about the functions in the layout, the field definitions and tags of the parametric field types in the table is written to the downloaded report format template.
After the software of field definitions and tags to template to report format "EmergencyDrills.xls" the report is saved on the computer in the format of the same name.
Report format of the same name (EmergencyDrills.xls) saved on the computer! With the (New) button, the report formats are loaded to the system again from the editing menu.
In the Report Formats Edit menu, the report format of the same name is loaded.
Report Formats are copied by right-click/copy method with the name and extension of the Report Format uploaded to the system in the Edit menu.
Go to System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters.
By selecting Emergency Situations module as the module in the Filter tab(Search) button is clicked. Emergency Parameters are listed on the list tab. Emergency Situations module parameters by selecting the "Emergency Drill Report Template File" parameter number 19
(Change) button is clicked.
The report format uploaded to the system in the Report formats Edit menu by viewing the content of the parameter is defined by pasting the copied Report format template parameter value with the name and extension of the template by right-click/paste method.
Report format template file ! The parameter value is defined by clicking the (save) button.
1.1.4. Display of Parametric Fields Added to the Report Format of the Emergency Drill Report
After adding a tag to the report format of the Emergency Drill Report (EmergencyDrills.xls), uploading the Report to the system in the Edit menu of the Formats and defining it to the parameter number 19, the Integrated Management System / Emergencies / Reports / Emergency Drill Report menu is clicked.
On the Emergency Drills screen that opens, the List and Filter tab appears. By selecting the Workplace information in the list of the workplace where the drill is defined in the search criteria Workplace! The ( search) button is clicked.
By selecting the Drill that is defined in the list tab(Export to Excel) button is clicked.
It is seen that the Emergency Drills report from the received Excel format comes from the report of the values of the parametric field types defined in the Area definition menu and the tags of the parametric field types added to the template work.
1.2. General Replacement Tag Table in Emergency Situations Module
The list of Common tags used in the Emergencies Module is in the table below.
Replacement | Description |
< EKIP_TIPI```>``` | Team Type Information |
< WORKPLACE```>``` | Workplace Information |
< REVIZYON_NO```>``` | Revision No Information |
< REVIZYON_TARIHI```>``` | Revision Date Information |
< SON_GOZ_GEC_TARIHI```>``` | Last Review Date Information |
< STATU```>``` | Status Information |
< TATBIKAT_KODU```>``` | Drill Code Information |
< TATBIKAT_ADI```>``` | Drill Name Information |
< DURUM_TIP_KODU```>``` | Emergency Type Code Information |
< DURUM_TIP_ADI```>``` | Emergency Type Name Information |
< SORUMLU_ADI```>``` | Responsible Name Information |
< SORUMLU_SOYADI```>``` | Responsible Surname Information |
< TATBIKAT_YERI```>``` | Drill Location Information |
< TATBIKAT_TARIHI```>``` | Exercise Date Information |
< TATBIKAT_SURESI```>``` | Drill Duration Information |
< TATBIKAT_ACIKLAMA```>``` | Drill Description Information |